1. Embrace problems as
natural part of living: Misfortunes and tragedies are not always
as bad as they seem and even when they are, they give us an opportunity to
become stronger.
2. Let go of regrets
& of the past: Realize that everything is a lesson in
disguise therefore learn to forgive and let go of things you cannot control.
3. Face your fear and
fear not failure: Failures are stepping stone to success. It’s a
Win-Win game, either you learn something or you succeed. Don’t sit there and do
nothing just because you are afraid to fail... If you cannot handle failure
then you obviously can’t handle success.
4. Watch your stress
level & savour the joy of simple pleasures: Get to rest as
much as you work and do your best to enjoy the joy of simple pleasures
5. Be
open-minded and smile more often: Don’t be ignorant by rejecting
something you don’t know. When you judge someone, you define yourself only.
Your paths are not the only path, and always try to keep a smile up on that
cute face.
6. Quit caring about
what everyone else thinks of you or wants for you: You define
yourself, no one else does, and no one else can. Therefore, take what people
expect or want for you as merely suggestions; you make the decision.
7. Point out the lesson
to be learnt in all situations: For every situation, especially the
terrible ones, there is a lesson to be learnt from it. Never fail to discover
that lesson else it might repeat itself.
8. Forgive & move
on: Never allow what someone did to hurt you for long, forgive
quickly & forget all about it. Don’t let your past trample upon your
present & steal away your future.
9. Quit procrastinating:
Stop procrastination and if you’ve never procrastinated, never do it for it is
not only a thief of time but also a deterrent to self improvement and brings
about laziness.
10. Acquire &
practice a new skill each week: This week, I learnt how to bake
cakes. What did you learn? endeavor to learn new skills every week and also
practice them since practice make perfect. It’ll equip you for life challenges,
make you become more productive and self reliant and also engage you.
11. Make good &
positive use of the resources you have access to: Stevie Wonder
couldn’t see but has 25 Grammy Awards because he exploited the resource he had
which is his good hears for music. What’s your story?
12. Try out new things:
Doing routine activities limits self growth and expansion. Self growth happens
when you change things & try out new things. If you keep doing what you’re
doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.
13. Read Great books
& Ensure to make positive changes each day: A new day, a
positive change... That’s the order you should follow. An example is creating
productive habits and is an amazing way to get excited about life. Also, read
inspiring books packed with ideas & wisdom that is capable of igniting a
new way of understanding the world.
14. Stay focused like
always: I will keep this short, ‘Lose focus and lose it all’.
15. Don’t rush
into relationships & Don’t rush intimate relationships:
Being in a relationship isn’t all just about sex, showing off or going on
dates. It’s about being with a person who makes you happy in a way nobody else
can. Therefore, don’t rush things. What is truly yours is yours.
16. Formulate your mission statement, create and pursue S.M.A.R.T. goals:
Creating a mission statement summarizes what exactly you want from life and
helps when making important decisions. Your goals must at the end of the day
accomplish your mission statement and in order to do that, it must be
–Specific, -Measurable, -Achievable, -Relevant, -Timely. Necessary skills,
attitudes & abilities must be developed.
17. Help others, be kind
to yourself & express gratitude: Be of help to people
whenever you can, show appreciation always and be grateful to those who have
helped you in a way or the other and finally, be kind to yourself. Don’t just
treat yourself anyhow.
18. Become proud of
yourself: Don’t be brought down by failures & misfortunes.
Be proud of who you are at all times and if you think you can’t be proud of
yourself due to a situation or lifestyle then make a change to that effect.
Being proud of yourself brings about self esteem.
19. Embrace change and
maintain a positive attitude at all times: Learn to accept
change and don’t see it as a negative thing, look at it as a stepping stone
towards succeeding and consistently maintain positive attitudes.
20. Continue to nurture
your personal growth and keep on learning: The only way to
achieve high consciousness is from continued commitment to your personal
overall growth. Growth only occurs when what you know changes how you live.
Now, who can
arrange the above written tips in the right order using their number?
Use the
comment column below *winks*