I'm not 2face idibia's clone - Joe El

8/30/2015 0 Comments

There is no denying the fact that fast rising singer, Joe El, is definitely a 2face look-alike, and many have said he is trying too hard to be like the music legend.

That is not surprising as the Kennis Music star does not only look like TuFace but also sounds like him.

However, he has come out to say that he is not trying to clone Tu Baba even as he is aware of the comparison.

Yes I am fully aware that people say I sound and look like Tuface but it is not intentional. I believe that my voice and songs are unique. I don’t know why people compare us. In this world we are in, everyone has a look alike and my case is not different. I am not the first person in the world that would look or sound like someone else. If I intentionally sound like Tuface, I would have come out with a song to brag that I am better than Tuface and that I am the best,” he said.

Not denying the idol status TuFace is to him, he explained that he has been sounding the same way since he began singing in the choir.

I have always looked and sounded the way I do ever since I was in the church choir, even before I became a fan of Tuface. There is no competition between me and Tuface. When people talk about it, I just turn deaf ears and stay focused with my music because if I listen to them, I would derail. When I got signed to Kennis Music I got a lot of confrontation.
Many people told me that Kennis Music signed me on board because they wanted to use me to replace Tuface. Because I went to Kennis Music to achieve my dream, I did not listen to them. I don’t allow what people say get to me because they would always talk. Tuface is a demi-god; he is my idol and big brother. He is a very humble person. Despite the fact that people say I am trying to replace him, he still came down to our studio to record a song with me. He even told us that he heard all what people say but it did not deter him from coming to the studio to sing with me. Very few legends like Tuface can do that instead they would avoid me because of what people say about me,” he said.

James Abiose


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