Don't tell me you actually believe that you can't solve any problem just because you think you can't. Too bad! I'm really sorry to do this but I have to tell you that all that is about to change right after you're through reading this.
I'll quickly walk you through a-5-step problem solving loop1. You can't try resolving a problem when you don't know the problem or when there is no problem in the first place. So first thing first, get to know the problem, reflect on it, try to iron out the problem in a definite and strategic order, get to know the root of the problem and begin corrections from there, no misconceptions are allowed. That way, you'll know how to go about it, also look at it from an unsentimental and impartially perspective, it'll help you to reason correctly, accurately and in the right manner. You might not necessarily have idea on how to resolve the problem and that's why you have close friends, loved ones and the internet... As long as you have know what the problem is, you are good to go!
2. With great help from the web, friends and those who care, you should scavenge for information pertaining to the problem at hand. All information not pertaining to the problem you have should be ignored and disregarded in order to have enough room for proper reasoning as well as to enable you create ideas which can help dissolve the solute. Go to whatever extent to ensure you acquire enough information and ideas, also consult the elderly, those who have passed through your stage or situation and put no restriction or limit to your consultation. More than the needed information and idea will ensue and that will lead us to the next step...

3. It is your duty to ascertain the best idea out of all the ideas that ensued. In order not to be one-sided, you should consult your colleagues, friends, family members, loved ones and those who have gone through the same or similar problem as yours, they'll be sure to put you through and advice you on how to approach the matter as well as help you in deciding which idea out of all that came up during your research is the best and most practicable. It is your obligation and yours only to determine which is the best approach out of all you must have read or heard, it must be arrived at after various comparison.
4. That time has come when you need to build up on that idea you deemed best and also put it to test by using the same concept in similar minor issues and also dish it out as advice to friends and those in need. Ensure to get feedback from them in order to enable you evaluate your test and ascertain if your idealism on how to solve a specific problem is accurate and good to go. Remember, when building up your idea ensure to make it methodological, strategic and straight to the point, just like this write-up.
5. It must have been time taking and mind dedicating but finally, it's time to check out the results from the various tests and experiments you have conducted. The responses gathered will have to be processed, evaluated and eventually related to your own difficulty before you go ahead and get it resolved. If it fails or seems impracticable, simply start all over from step 1 or you probably need to review step 3 maybe the idea you thought was the best isn't actually the right one for that particular situation. Go ahead and further your research and always feel free to relate your situation to people around you no matter how difficult it might be for you or how shameful you might think it is. The truth is that to share your problem(s) isn't shameful but actually a sign of great confidence and makes you more trustworthy and reliable.
Go ahead with this 5 steps towards problem solving and bring down mountains that stand in your way...